XCH: $22.14 (4.62%)
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Chia Token Transaction
"The Enigma crystals are extremely rare and limited within the Verse ecosystem, known only to the Sp More
Type | CAT 2 |
Transaction Id | 0xfd930b3f849d9f78920bed5aed747a22207a22b2476b1317c9503f64c0d5e3ad |
Origin | Miscellaneous |
Amount | 7.1 ENIGMA ($0.11) |
From | xch1e7laam2ufj3du0gt75stnj6tka6r5dvm6tn2rzx3nnnallpp60ns44afhc |
To | xch1ycaf7hqvn39v082mkl2h423f3uljjujh52awf7tfavnmxpyhnu3q4k4z2s |
Parent | 0x95b81197072611e5079379c51c69e5ad2ab4a322e24d33ff219780807a7bdb91 |
Memo | 263a9f5c0c9c4ac79d5bb7d57aaa298f3f297257a2bae4f969eb27b304979f22 |
Time | 10/11/2024, 10:19:56 AM UTC |
Status | Unspent |
Confirmed Block | |
Spent Block | - |
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Coin | Type | Date&Time | Confirmed | Spent | From | To | Amount |